Scientific GOD, Inc. ("SGI") is a New York not-for-profit corporation with 501(c)(3) tax exempt status as of March 1, 2010 and publishes Scientific GOD Journal ("SGJ", ISSN: 2153-831X). SGI's other objectives includes conducting scientific research on GOD and promoting the said research by organizing scientific conferences, etc. (when feasible). The scope of SGI's activities will depend on its available funds and other resources plus its ability to raise additional funds. Please support Scientific GOD, Inc. by making a Financial Contribution through PayPal.
SGI is not about a particular religion nor is it focused on religious debates. Rather, it is an institution (and publication) where scientists, philosophers, theologians and other learned scholars publish their research results and express their views on the issues outlined herein. In doing so, we hope that one day we will be able to answer scientifically the questions concerning us the most - who are we, where did we come from, where are we going, and, is there a Scientific GOD?
The Wall