In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth
And the earth was without form and void
And darkness was upon the face of the deep
And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters
And God said ‘Let there be light’; and there was light
And God saw the light, that it was good
And God divided the light from the darkness

Three concepts help us understand the nature of the world: the container of consciousness, the content of consciousness, and the observer of that content. The container and its content define everything in an observer’s world in the sense of the one-world-per-observer paradigm of modern cosmology, but the observer of that world is not really in that world. The observer’s world is always limited by a bounding surface of space, and the observer of that world is nothing more than the consciousness present at the central point of view of that world. In the sense of the holographic principle, all the bits of information for the contents of that world are defined on that bounding surface of space.

The bounding surface acts as a holographic screen that projects the perceivable images of all things in that world to the central point of view of an observer. Those images are animated over a sequence of events in the flow of energy, just like the animated images of a movie displayed on a computer screen over a sequence of screen outputs.

A consensual reality shared by many observers is possible since their different bounding surfaces of space can overlap with each other and share information.

The ultimate bounding surface of space surrounding the observer at the central point of view is a cosmic horizon. Modern cosmology tells us the cosmic horizon is a bounding surface of space that limits observations in the observer’s world. The observer’s world is always limited by its cosmic horizon. The cosmic horizon arises from the nature of dark energy and the exponential expansion of space that drives the expansion of the observer’s world from the big bang event, which creates the observer’s world.

The cosmic horizon is the ultimate holographic screen defining everything in the observer’s world. All the bits of information for everything perceived in the observer’s world are encoded on the screen, with one bit of information encoded per pixel on the screen.

The holographic principle tells us all the images of the observer’s world are projected from its holographic screen to the central point of view of the observer. Those projected images are only forms of information that develop due to the tendency of bits of information to align with each other. Those forms of information are all coherently organized bound states of information. Coherent organization is the reason those projected images are holographic in nature, but also allows for the self-replication of those forms over a sequence of events, which allows for the animation of the images.

Consciousness is the container, while the content of consciousness is what is contained in that container. The container of consciousness is only an empty space of potentiality limited by a bounding surface of space, but in the sense of the holographic principle, the container defines everything perceivable within the container. The content of consciousness includes all the perceivable things within that container.
The container of consciousness in and of itself and void of content is not something that is perceivable, but is only an empty space of potentiality that holographically defines all the perceivable contents of the container when space is limited by a bounding surface. The perceivable contents of that world include external sensory perceptions of the observer’s world, internal emotional perceptions of the observer’s body, and the observer’s memories, thoughts, and other forms of mental imagination. That content is the nature of the observer’s world, but the observer is not really a part of that world. The observer is only the central perceiving point, or the pure potentiality to perceive that content.

There is only an illusion that the observer is within the world that the observer perceives. That illusion is created because the observer identifies itself with something it perceives within its world, specifically the mentally constructed concept of being an embodied person in that world emotionally related to other things in that world. That illusion only arises because the observer really feels self-limited to the form of its body as it perceives the emotional body feelings that arise in its world. The feeling of being an embodied person creates the illusion.
That illusion of being an embodied person in the world is created and begins when the observer’s world appears, and that illusion can come to an end when the observer’s world disappears, but consciousness itself cannot stop existing. Consciousness creates the illusion, and consciousness can bring the illusion to an end. Even without that created illusion, consciousness timelessly exists as pure potentiality.
We call that empty space of potentiality the void. Simply stated, consciousness does not emerge in the world. Consciousness timelessly exists. The world emerges in consciousness like the animation of a movie of images displayed on a bounding surface of space that acts as a holographic screen.

In the sense of the Allegory of the Cave, those projected images are just like the images of a hologram projected from a holographic screen to the central point of view of an observer. An observer in an accelerated frame of reference is always surrounded by its own event horizon or bounding surface of space that acts as a holographic screen. The observer always follows a world-line through the space and time holographically projected in that frame of reference. Every event on the observer’s accelerated world-line is like another screen output from the observer’s screen, and those images are animated over a sequence of events arising in the flow of energy that characterizes the observer’s accelerated frame of reference.

The observer’s holographic screen is only a bounding surface of space that arises because the observer is in an accelerated frame of reference. A bounding surface of space is only an event horizon that limits observations within that bounded space. The event horizon demarcates a boundary in space that is as far out in space as the observer at the central point of view can see things in space due to the limitation of the speed of light. The observer’s holographic screen encodes all the bits of information for the projected images of all those things. The projected images are only animated forms of information. The projected images of the observer’s animated world can only arise as the observer enters into an accelerated frame of reference because that is how the observer’s holographic screen arises and how the animating flow of energy arises in the observer’s world.
When the observer stops accelerating and enters into a state of ultimate free fall, that bounding surface of space disappears, the observer’s holographic screen disappears, and all the projected images of the observer’s world disappear. When the observer stops accelerating and enters into a freely falling frame of reference, the flow of energy that characterizes the observer’s world comes to an end, the flow of time comes to an end, and the observer’s world is no longer animated. When the observer’s world disappears, only the observer’s underlying reality remains. That underlying reality can only be characterized as an empty space of potentiality, and is undivided in the sense of infinite void.
The observer’s world is the manifested nature of its reality, while the observer’s underlying reality is unmanifested. That timelessly existing unmanifested underlying absolute reality is the ground of being, the pure impersonal being of undifferentiated consciousness, and the source of the observer’s individual being.

Genesis tells us that in the beginning all was void and formless until God divided the light from the darkness. The light that Genesis speaks of is not physical light, but the light of consciousness itself. With the creation of the observer’s world, the individual consciousness and being of the observer is divided from its source of undifferentiated consciousness and undivided being.
The nature of the observer’s world is nothing more than images projected from a bounding surface of space to the central point of view of the observer; forms of information that are animated in the flow of energy that arises as the observer enters into an accelerated frame of reference. The face of the deep is a bounding surface of space, and the Spirit of God that moves over the face of the deep is an observer that follows an accelerated world-line.
Just like the images of a hologram, those projected images are illuminated. What illuminates all the perceivable images of the observer’s world? The only possible answer is the light of consciousness itself.