The time arrives.
A costume must be chosen.
And so we are born
into Form.
And as we live
we Flow into
and through
The wedding of the Infinite
and the Finite
But the Finite is just the Infinite
Flowing in relation to Itself
and so taking on a Form,
as swirling water takes on
the form of a whirlpool.
And as we Flow through Form,
Flow through our Self as Form,
lesser forms arise
where Form meets Form,
like a line that arises
where the tips of two fingers meet.
These lesser forms
are what we call
These lesser forms
are what we call
So many forms,
so many experiences,
so much reality.
And then we who only Flow,
we who are only Movement,
ourselves having no form,
mistake ourselves
for these lesser forms,
after which these lesser forms
are all that appears to be.
That is Unconsciousness.
not conscious of Itself
as Consciousness,
not conscious of Itself
as Formlessness,
not conscious of Itself
as Movement,
but conscious of itself instead
as a lesser form,
conscious of itself instead
as a boundary that is only created
by the Movement
of the Formlessness
that is conscious of all lesser forms.
In this way
there is Consciousness
in Unconsciousness,
it is just hidden
by the lesser forms
that Consciousness
mistakes for itself.
It is as if one draped themself
in a sheet for Halloween
and then thought themself
to actually be a ghost.
One is still there under the sheet
no matter how much one believes
that they are now a ghost.
In the same way,
Consciousness is still there
beneath the lesser forms
that It has mistaken
for itself.
And Consciousness is also still there
beyond the lesser forms
that It has mistaken
for itself.
As long as Consciousness
mistakes itself for these lesser forms
it remains hidden from Itself,
both inside and outside the forms
it mistakenly knows itself to be.
Hidden from Itself,
inside and out,
the costume becomes a cage.
But Consciousness that has caged Itself
within the lesser forms
it has Itself created,
still Flows,
still Moves.
But now it Flows and Moves
to serve a master
that is only a shadow of Itself,
to serve a master
that its own Flow,
its own Movement,
its own relation to Itself,
has created.
That is unconscious Movement.
It is the way of unconscious Consciousness,
the way of Consciousness that knows itself as form
to oppose some forms
and to cling to others
and in so doing
to create suffering.
But when unconscious Consciousness
realizes that form is not what it is,
then the form that was,
only a moment ago,
a cage, a wall, an impassable barrier,
becomes transparent, becomes beautiful,
as the Consciousness both beneath and beyond the form
reappears to Consciousness
as Itself.
That is the Unconscious becoming Conscious.
Consciousness waking from the dream
of form-identification.
Formlessness becoming conscious of Itself
as it Is,
as Formlessness,
after having been conscious of Itself
as form.
No longer serving the shadow-master of form,
the unconscious and reactive Movements
of attachment and aversion,
pushing away unwanted forms,
clinging to wanted forms,
have no basis and so cease
of their own accord,
without effort.
It is not the way of conscious Consciousness
to oppose or cling
to the lesser forms
that arise as experience
within Itself.
It is the way of conscious Consciousness
to simply be aware of Itself
and of the lesser forms
that arise within Itself
and to allow both to be
as they are,
Flowing and Moving then
according to that.
That is conscious Movement.
That is wu wei.
Action without action,
doing without doing.
Movement and Flow,
not for the sake of opposing or acquiring
some lesser form,
but Movement for the sake of Movement,
Flow for the sake of Flow.
That is why
when one tries to actively get rid of one's form-identity
it only becomes stronger,
because that is not conscious Movement,
that is not wu wei.
And if it is not conscious Movement,
then it is unconscious Movement.
And if it is unconscious Movement
then it is Movement that is grounded in,
and so reinforcing of,
the form-identity.
Let the ego be
and it will fade of its own accord,
like a costume that was once worn
to all the parties
when form was king,
but now has little use
now that it has been revealed
that the king was wearing
a false crown.
The Wall