There is not God and the world,
there is only God.
There is not Nothing and something,
there is only Nothing.
That there is God and the world,
Nothing and something,
is an illusion.
The illusion that there is
both God and the world,
both Nothing and something,
is like the illusion that arises
where there is only a mirror
but there appears to be
both a mirror and a reflection,
and so the appearance of two
where there is only one.
The world of somethings
is a reflection that arises
within the mirror that is God,
within the mirror that is Nothing,
within the mirror that is Consciousness.
The world of somethings exists
like a reflection exists,
but the world of somethings,
like a reflection,
is not what is actually there
where it only ever
appears to be.
What exists is created,
whereas what is actually there
is not created
but simply Is.
What is actually there
where the world of somethings
appears to be
is the formless Isness
we call our Consciousness.
And it is within that Nothingness,
within that formless Isness,
that the world of somethings
arises and exists.
And it is by that Nothingness,
by that formless Isness,
that the world of somethings
is known as reality.
And so there is always the appearance
of two things;
the reflection and the mirror,
the world and God,
something and Nothing,
reality and Consciousness,
when all there actually Is
is the one thing
that is not a thing,
because the other thing
that is a thing;
the world, the somethings, the reality,
is not actually an Isness,
but is only a reflection,
and so is only an appearance,
and so is only an existence,
that arises within the Isness,
that arises within the Nothing,
that we call Consciousness.
The appearance of what exists
is not itself an illusion.
It is only the appearance of what exists
as what is actually there
where it only appears to be
that is the illusion.
And so it is only the appearance
of what exists
as what is
that is the illusion.
Caught up in this illusion,
convinced of the ultimate reality
of reality,
the Isness of which the world
is actually composed
becomes hidden
behind what only exists
masquerading as what is.
And this illusion,
whereby what only exists
appears as what is,
imparts upon reality,
imparts upon what only exists,
a false status of equivalence
between created reality
and uncreated Isness.
And it is this false equivalence
between existence and Isness
that allows the uncreated Isness
to mistake itself
for what only exists,
and so mistake itself
for its own creation.
And once the Isness knows itself
as what only exists,
then the Isness,
when it is noticed,
must seem to Itself
to be other than itself.
The word God
is just what we call our Self
when that Self becomes
somewhat aware of the Isness,
and so becomes
somewhat aware of Itself,
while still unable
to recognize Itself.
And so arises
the idea of a God
that is other than our self
and other than the world.
And so arises
the idea of a God
that is separate from our self
and separate from the world.
And when God and the world
seem to be two different things,
we approach the world
differently than we approach God,
not knowing that to approach the world
is to actually approach God
cloaked in a veil of form,
covered in what is only an appearance.
Divinity does not just lie within,
but lies equally without,
it just has to be found within
before it can be found without.
Once divinity has been found within,
where as the formless Isness
it wears no mask,
it can then be found without
as the formless Isness
that lies behind every mask,
behind every appearance
behind every reflection
that we call the world,
that we call something,
that we call reality.
Christmas is not ultimately a celebration
of the physical birth
of a certain person.
That is just the appearance and excuse
that Consciousness uses to throw a party
to celebrate the Awakening of Itself
to the Christ-Consciousness,
to the unity and oneness of Itself,
that lies hidden and obscured
behind all appearances.
And this celebration
is an invitation to all
to become more aware of the Oneness
that lies somewhat hidden
behind the appearance
of me and the others,
and of us and them,
and which lies completely obscured
behind the appearance
of me versus the others,
and of us versus them.
Peace on Earth,
good will toward men.
Not just an empty slogan,
but what naturally arises
within any Consciousness
that sees past the appearance
of "I am this" and "you are that,"
and into the underlying Isness,
and so into the underlying Oneness,
and so into the singular "I am"
that lies beyond
the appearance of two things
where there is only ever actually
one Nothing.