so why not just allow it,
why not just go with it.
You can oppose it
but that is not going to make it
other than it is.
All opposing this moment does
is put you in conflict
with what is.
And while in conflict with what is
all hell breaks loose,
because all hell is created
when what is opposes Itself.
You are part of the Isness of this moment,
and so when you oppose what is
in this moment
you oppose your Self
and so are in conflict with your Self,
and while in conflict with your Self
you suffer.
Why create suffering for your Self
just because the moment
does not appear
as the mind says it should?
The only problem
that ever arises
is the difference between what is
in this moment
and what the mind thinks
this moment should be.
For what is a problem
but the mind trying to determine
what it will take
to get from what is
in this moment
to what the mind thinks
this moment should be?
This moment, as it is,
plus or minus something
equals what should be
in this moment.
That is the problem
the mind continuously generates
as it endlessly produces thoughts
regarding how this moment should appear
regarding how this moment should be.
And because we view the world
through this conceptual veil
of what the mind thinks should be
there then seems to be a problem
when the moment does not appear
as the mind thinks it should.
And so the only problems
that ever arise
are problems that the mind generates,
but only because we think
that what the mind says should be
should somehow trump
what is.
So foolish,
so completely insane,
and yet,
so completely normal.
It has been said
that there are no problems
only solutions,
and this is true.
But every solution
is ultimately the same solution
because the solution to every problem
begins with the acceptance
and allowance
of what is.
What is is the universal solvent
the universal solution
that washes away all problems,
because there never really are any problems,
there is only the solution,
only what is
in this moment.
Problems are only the variance
between what is,
in this moment,
and what the mind thinks
this moment
should be.
You can try to close that gap,
to solve the problems
that the mind has generated,
through the reactive movements
of attachment and aversion,
by clinging to this
or pushing away that.
Or you can solve the problems
by realizing
that there actually are no problems,
only the illusion of problems
created by the mind
with its continuous and endless predictions
of what this moment
should be.
This moment is never a problem,
this moment is only ever
what is.
Even if your house is burning down
that is not actually a problem,
it is only what is.
If you think,
"my house should not be burning down,"
then you have generated a problem
where there is actually only what is.
Houses do not often burn down
but every day
some form arises or dissolves
that we think is a problem
because we think
it should be otherwise.
But how can it be otherwise
in this moment
if it is what is
in this moment?
The mind says
this should or should not be
in this moment,
as the weatherman says
it is going to rain tomorrow.
Both are predictions.
Neither is what is.
And just as we think the weather
should obey the predictions of the weatherman,
as when the sun comes out
we say it was supposed to rain,
so we think that what is
should obey the predictions of the mind,
so when this happens
or that does not happen
we say this or that
should or should not be.
So foolish,
so completely insane,
and yet,
so completely normal.
Surrendering to the moment,
accepting what is,
allowing what is,
is not weakness
but is wisdom.
To do otherwise
is to operate continuously
in the state of insanity
that we call normal,
and to continuously generate
the state of suffering
that comes with conflict
with the present moment,
that comes with conflict
with your Self.
So many problems,
just because we believe the mind
when it tells us
how this moment should be.
How does the mind know
how the Isness of this moment
should be?
It doesn't, it can't.
But the ego, the form-identity
wants the moment
to arise in a certain way,
to enhance itself
or avoid its diminishment.
And so the ego uses the mind
to create an image
of how it would like
the moment to be,
to either enhance itself
or avoid its diminishment.
And when the moment comes
and is at variance
with what the mind says should be,
which it usually is,
then the ego has a problem
it has itself created.
The mind is just doing its job
as assigned by the ego,
as assigned by the form-identity
as assigned by Consciousness
that has mistaken itself
for form.
You don't have to believe the weatherman
when he tells you what tomorrow will bring,
and then whatever tomorrow brings
will not be a problem.
And you don't have to believe your mind
when it tells you how this moment should be,
and then whatever the moment brings
will not be a problem,
but will only be
what is.