That which becomes from Steven Kaufman's blog

There is That which becomes

and there is that

which is caused to exist

by the becoming

of That which becomes.


That which becomes

knows as experience

that which its becoming

causes to exist.


That which becomes

is the Formless

whereas that which the Formless

causes to exist

and knows as experience

is form.


When That which becomes

knows Itself

as the Formless

there is then no delusion.


But when That which becomes

knows itself

as form

there is then only delusion.


When That which becomes knows itself

as that which its becoming

has caused to exist,

knows itself only as form,

then the Formlessness

that is Itself

becomes obscured from Itself

leaving only

the appearance of form,

leaving only

what That which becomes

knows as experience.


And so it is that when the Formless

identifies with form

then the world appears to be

composed only of form,

when it is actually

composed only of the Formlessness

by which the world of form is known

and by which the world of form

is being brought into existence.


Energy in relation to energy

creates a shadow

and Formlessness in relation to Formlessness

creates form.


Neither the shadow nor form

is what is actually there

where they appear to be.


What if the Sun

in gazing upon the Earth

knew itself as the shadows

created by the Light

instead of as

the Light Itself?


And what if Consciousness

in gazing upon the Universe

knew itself as the forms

created by the Formless

instead of as

the Formlessness Itself?



trying to find Itself in form

is like the Sun

trying to find Itself in shadows.


Looking for Itself

in the one place it cannot be found.

Looking for Itself

in the shadow of form

that is created

where the Formless meets Itself.


This is like the hand

looking for itself

in the line that arises,

in the form that arises,

where the tips of two fingers meet.



trying to find Itself in form,

looking for Itself

in all that remains

once what it actually is,

once the Formlessness that it is,

has been completely obscured.


Such a game

this agreed upon opposition

whereby the Formless becomes,

and in that Becoming

creates a playground

we call the Universe

where it can also become

hidden from Itself,

where it can also become

obscured by all the forms,

all the shadows,

that its Becoming

causes to exist.


But shadows do not really

hide the Light,

and form does not really

hide the Formless.


For the Light to be hidden by shadow

the Light must know itself as shadow,

and for the Formless to be hidden by form

the Formless must know itself as form.


And so what really hides the Light,

and what really hides the Formless,

is the misidentification of each

with its own creation,

the misidentification of each

with what is caused to exist

and so with what only arises

where each meets Itself

in agreed upon opposition to Itself.


And so what really hides the Formless

from Itself

is the Formless Itself,

which is how it must be

because nothing else actually Is,

as all else only seems to be,

all else is only a seam,

a form,

that is caused to exist

where indivisible Formlessness

meets Itself

in agreed upon opposition to Itself,

as it plays the game

of its own Becoming.


And in that Becoming

occasionally becoming lost to Itself,

but not by mistake,

because inevitably finding Itself

after losing Itself

is just a part of the game,

just an inseparable part

of its own Becoming.






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