The one Light that shines through all the drops from Steven Kaufman's blog

Know your self not


As just one of the many drops,


That rests on the leaves


After a rain.



Know your self instead


as the one Light


That shines through all the drops.



When you know your self as just a drop,


And the Light shines through,


Then you think, "the light is mine!"



But when you know your self as the Light,


And the Light shines through


Then you know, "I am the Light."



When you think, "the light is mine,"


It seems that the Light is something


That the drop possesses.



And so then,


What is not really what you are,


Seems to possess,


What you really are.



So it is that,


The form you think you are,


Seems to possess,


The Consciousness you really are.



The drop-self,


Because it is not really what you are,


Always feels that something is missing,


Always senses that it is incomplete,


But never looks for what is missing,


In what it already seems to possess.



For how can Consciousness


Be what is missing,


When it is already possessed

By the drop-self?



And so it is


That what we truly are


Becomes hidden,


And so seems to be missing,


While remaining always


In plain sight. 



And so it is


That what we truly are


Is not actually missing,


But has just been misidentified,


And so appears


As something other


Than what we are.



It is as if we are children


And our mother stands right before us,


But we mistake her for someone else,


And so we run around crying,


"Where is my mother?"



But we do not cry


"Where is my mother?"


For it is not our mother


That is missing.



Rather, it is our true Self


That seems to have gone missing.



And so we cry,


Who am I?


What am I?


Where am I?



And the answer is always the same,


Once we are able to hear it.


I am right here


Where I have always been.



I never went anywhere,


I just got mistaken for something else,


for something other than I,


Once it seemed that I was possessed by an i


that I was not.



So know your self not


As just one of the many drops,


That rests on the leaves


After a rain.



Know your Self instead


As the one Light,


The Light of Consciousness,


That shines through all the drops,


And there will then be


No mistake in Identity,

Since the Light cannot seem to possess


That which It already knows


to Be Itself.


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