There is the reality of experience and there is the Reality of the Beingness that, through relation to Itself, creates what it then apprehends as experience. The Beingness is what actually Exists; the experience is what only seems to exist. The Beingness is the Creator; the experience is the creation. The Beingness is the actual Reality; experience is the virtual reality.
Our situation is such that we are Creators that have become lost within our creation, lost to ourselves, oblivious of our True Nature, as we have taken our creation for being what actually exists, and in so doing have relegated What We Actually Are to a secondary status, making What We Actually Are appear to be something that is not as real as our creation. In this we are like painters that have become so mesmerized by our creation that the painting seems to have become more real than the painter.
What We Actually Are literally creates what we, as Individuals apprehend as reality. And so, if What We Actually Are takes what we have created as reality for being what actually exists, then that becomes our reality, that becomes and is the reality we are creating and apprehending, not because that is the actual situation, not because what we have created as experiential reality is what actually exists, but because that is the reality we are choosing to create.
And in assigning to our creation the status of what actually exists, that which does actually Exist must take on a different role, must appear as something other than what actually exists, since that role has already been given to an imposter. So it is that What We Actually Are, in this drama we have created where our creation has been assigned the role of what actually exists, takes on a lesser or secondary role, appearing not as what actually exists, not as the creator, but instead appears as the creation, as something that is created by that to which we have mistakenly assigned the role of creator, created by that to which we have mistakenly assigned the role of what actually exists.
It is as if we are directing a play where there are two characters, let us say an inventor and their creation. And we go in as the director and for whatever reason we decide to assign to what is actually the creation the role of inventor, leaving then what is actually the inventor to play the only other role available, which is that of the creation. This is precisely what we have done to Consciousness, to What We Actually Are, to the Beingness that actually Exists that creates experiential reality, as we have mistakenly assigned to physical experiential reality, to our own creation, the role of what actually exists, leaving Consciousness then to play the only other role that is available, which is the role of the creation, the role of that which does not actually exist.
And so it is that we have become lost to ourselves, lost to our true identity, lost in the virtual experiential reality that we ourselves, as What Does Actually Exist, are creating, as we assign to physical experiential reality the role of Reality, leaving then that which is actually Reality, i.e., Consciousness, to play the role of reality. Physical experiential reality does not appear as what actually exists because it is what actually exists; rather physical reality appears as Reality, as what actually exists, only because that is the role that we ourselves, as Reality, as That Which Does Actually Exist, as the actual Creators of reality, have assigned to it. We are in charge, we are the Creators of reality, and reality will therefore take on whatever role we assign to it. But in this drama of Creator and creation there can be only one Creator, and once that role has been assigned that leaves the other actor in this drama to play the only other role available.
So it is that our True Nature as Consciousness, as Beingness, remains hidden from us while still in plain sight of us, appearing as something that is being created by the actor to whom we have mistakenly assigned the role of creator, i.e., appearing as the creation of physical experiential reality. Consciousness appears to us as it does, i.e., as the creation of physical reality, as something less real than physical reality, not because it actually is created by physical experiential reality, not because it is actually less real than physical reality, but only because that is the role we have inadvertently relegated it to, having given away the leading role, as the actual Directors of the drama we call experiential reality, to the wrong actor.
And once we have assigned to that which only seems to exist the role of what actually exists, and so simultaneously assign What Actually Exists to the role of what only seems to exist, then everything gets turned upside down and inside out, so much so that we lose sight of the fact that we ourselves are the Creator and Director of the drama, because in assigning What Actually Exists to the role of what only seems to exist, in assigning What Actually Exists to the role of creation, we are ourselves, as What Actually Exists, taking on the role of what only seems to exists, taking on the role of that which is created.
And although we are the actual Creator of experiential reality, in taking on the role of creation, we forget and lose sight of how it is that we are creating experiential reality. It then seems to us that experiential reality is something that happens to us rather than something that we ourselves are creating.
But no matter how it may seem, we are always the Creator of what we apprehend as experiential reality, because everything that we experience as reality, emotional, mental and physical, requires our involvement, as What Actually Exists, in some relation with some other aspect of What Actually Exists in order to create what we, as What Actually Exists, apprehend as a particular experiential reality. But we are the Creator of what we experience as reality not just because what we apprehend as reality requires our involvement in a relation in order to create what we apprehend as reality; rather, we are truly the Creator of what we experience as reality because we and we alone, as What Actually Exists, determine whether what we create and apprehend as experiential reality in any moment has the quality of wantedness or unwantedness according to how we are, in any moment, in any now, choosing to be in relation to the rest of What Actually Exists.
It does not matter what we think is happening, it does not matter how we think reality is or is not created or how it is or is not arranged, it does not matter how confused or deluded we are regarding our nature, because no matter what we think is happening, we are, as What Actually Exists, always creating the wantedness and unwantedness of what we apprehend as experiential reality according to how we are, consciously or unconsciously, deliberately or reflexively, choosing to be in relation to the rest of What Actually Exists.
The vast majority of Conscious Individuality, the vast majority of What Actually Exists, is not confused with regard to the actual relation between Itself as Creator and experiential reality as creation, and so simply chooses consciously and deliberately to be in relation to Itself, in relation to What Actually Exists, in a way that creates for Itself the apprehension of wanted rather than unwanted experiential realities. On the other hand, the vast majority of Conscious Individualities that refer to themselves as human beings, or appear to themselves as human beings, are confused with regard to the actual relation between themselves as Creators and experiential reality as their creation, and so choose unconsciously and reflexively their involvement in the relation with the rest of What Actually Exists that determines the wanted or unwanted quality of what they, through those relations, create and apprehend as wanted or unwanted experiential realities of the emotional, mental, and physical varieties.
There are only two ways for an Individual to be in relation to the rest of What Actually Exists: allowing or resistant. Relations of allowing create experiential wantedness and relations of resistance create experiential unwantedness. It is in our Nature as What Actually Exists to want to create experiential wantedness rather than experiential unwantedness, and so it is in our Nature to choose to be in a relation of allowing rather than a relation of resistance with respect to the rest of What Actually Exists. And yet, once we lose sight of our Nature, by mistakenly assigning to physical reality the role of Reality, by mistakenly assigning to physical reality the role of What Actually Exists, we get turned around and inside out and start trying to create experiential wantedness by involving ourselves in relations of resistance, thinking that the way to get what we want is by pushing against and getting rid of what we do not want, when all that involving ourselves in this sort of relation actually does is create more of what we do not want.
It does not matter that we have lost sight of what we actually are, as we still act according to what we are, according to what is our True Nature as the Creator of reality, by always trying to create a more wanted experiential reality. Everything we do, everything we want, we do and want because we think that in the doing or the having of it that we will feel better, that we will create for ourselves a more wanted emotional experience. This is the prime directive of all That Actually Exists by virtue of its very Existence. It is not possible to Exist without being in relation to what else Exists, and in that unavoidable relation what Exists must create an experience that is either wanted or unwanted, an experience born of a relation of either allowing or resistance. There is no third choice.
And as What Actually Exists must in each moment create either a wanted or unwanted emotional experience by virtue of its unavoidable involvement in a relation of either allowing or resistance with what is ultimately Itself, What Actually Exists quite naturally chooses to create that which is wanted rather than that which is unwanted, naturally chooses to create that which is attractive rather than that which is repulsive, as it is attracted to creating the wanted and repelled by creating the unwanted.
And we, as human Individuals, are What Actually Exists simply doing the same thing, i.e., acting according to our Nature by always trying to create a more wanted emotional experience. Its just that we are doing it blindfolded, so to speak, turned upside down and inside out as we are by our confusion regarding the nature of reality and the relation between Reality and reality, so that we often inadvertently create what we do not want rather than what we want, because from this state of confusion it seems to us that the way to get to what we want is through some sort of resistance, i.e., through our involvement in some relation of resistance.
And so someone does something we do not like and we get angry at them and think that they are the one causing our anger, causing us to experience unwanted emotion, and so we tell them to behave differently, and try to get them to behave differently, and if they do we feel a little better and if they don't we get more angry, making it seem as if their behavior is the cause of our emotional state when in actuality our emotional state is always something that is being created according to how we ourselves are choosing to be involved in the fundamental and unavoidable relation with What Actually Exists that creates emotional and really all experiential wantedness and unwantedness. It's just that when they behave as we would like them to behave we reflexively and unconsciously involve ourself in the relation of allowing that creates a more wanted emotion, and when they behave as we would not like them to behave we reflexively and unconsciously involve ourself in the relation of resistance that creates an unwanted emotion.
And the same is true of all external circumstance. When we look at what we like we reflexively and unconsciously enter into a relation of allowing and so feel good, and when we look at what we do not like we reflexively and unconsciously enter into a relation of resistance and so feel bad. It seems to us that what is making us feel good or bad, experience positive or negative emotion, wanted or unwanted emotion, is the external circumstance, but what is actually always creating our emotional experience is the allowing or resistant mode of being we are choosing, consciously or unconsciously, deliberately or reflexively, in each moment as we are in each moment involved in the fundamental and unavoidable relation with the rest of Beingness that creates emotional experience.
However, from our perspective of confusion regarding the relation between what is creator and what is creation, it seems to us that external circumstances are what create our emotional reality, and so we spend our lives trying to arrange physical reality this way and that so that when we look at it we will reflexively enter into a relation of allowing and so feel good as a result. But this is really going about trying to created wanted emotional experience the hard way, and in a way that is quite often counterproductive, as it often produces unwanted rather than wanted emotional experience. Much easier it is to simply choose to be in a mode of allowing rather than resistance regardless of external circumstance and create directly a wanted emotional experience, thereby cutting out the unnecessary and often uncontrollable middle man of external circumstance.
The relation of What Actually Exists to Itself that creates wanted emotional experience is the precursor and necessary foundation for the relations of What Actually Exists to Itself that create wanted thought, and the relations of What Actually Exists to Itself that create wanted thought provide the foundation for the relations of What Actually Exists to Itself that create wanted physical experience. Likewise, the relation of What Actually Exists to Itself that creates unwanted emotional experience is the precursor and necessary foundation for the relations of What Actually Exists to Itself that create unwanted thought, and the relations of What Actually Exists to Itself that create unwanted thought provide the foundation for the relations of What Actually Exists to Itself that create unwanted physical experience.
Physical experience does not produce emotional experience. As with so many things, we have it completely backwards, owing to our placing the creation in the role of creator and vice versa. Emotional experience is the precursor to mental and physical experience, not the other way around. Therefore, learning to create experience by paying attention to how you feel, and choosing your involvement in the fundamental relation accordingly, not only has the advantage of making it more likely that you will create wanted rather than unwanted emotional experience, but also increases the likelihood of your creating wanted rather than unwanted mental and physical experiences as well, owing to the progressive way in which experiential reality is created.
All experiential reality is a virtual reality. What actually Exists is a river of Consciousness, and we are drops in that River, and we choose in each moment whether to flow with or against that River. And based upon how we choose to flow we become involved in relations with that River and create the swirls in that River that we apprehend as wanted or unwanted experiences. The River is the Reality, we are the Reality, experiential reality is our creation.
When we do not understand our role as the creator of what we experience, we become the slaves of our own creations, the slaves of experience, erroneously thinking that we must have this or that thing, be in this or that circumstance, before we can be happy, before we can allow ourselves to feel wanted emotion. The truth is we can feel wanted emotion whenever we want, but to do so it is necessary to uncouple what one is presently creating as emotional reality from what one has previously created as physical reality. Physical reality is the finished experiential product, emotional reality is its precursor. You cannot create something different from what you have created previously if you are stuck using what you created previously as the basis for what you are now trying to create, i.e., when you construct the precursor reality of emotional experience on the basis of the wantedness or unwantedness of some previously created physical reality, which is what we do when we create our emotional reality as an unconscious and reflexive reaction to what we have already created as physical reality.
Physical reality is like a painting, and we are always painting a new picture. Whether or not you are going to like what you paint depends entirely upon how good or bad you feel while you are painting it, because how good or bad you feel indicates the nature of your involvement in the fundamental relation that determines experiential wantedness and unwantedness. If you feel bad while you are painting then you will not like the finished product, and if you feel good while you paint then you will like the finished product. The key is to not get too hung up on any one painting, good or bad, liked or unliked, but to enjoy the process of experiential creation, since it, like What We Actually Are, never ends.