The Flow of the Great Mother from Steven Kaufman's blog

Better than to try and improve yourself

is to just enjoy yourself.


The Great Mother

did not create this Universe of Forms

out of Herself

to improve Herself.


The Great Mother

created this Universe of Forms

out of Herself

to enjoy Herself.


To envelope Herself

in her own Joy

in her own Being.


To Wrap Herself around Herself

and then Flow through Herself

while still Wrapped around Herself.


The Great Mother does not Flow Herself

through these Forms made of Herself,

as She is wrapped about Herself,

in order to become better,

in order to become more,

for that is not possible.


She is perfect as She Is.

There is no room for improvement.

There is however,

room for enjoyment.


But with the possibility of enjoyment

must also arise the possibility

of the opposite of enjoyment.


All this Wrapping around

and Flowing through

in order to create enjoyment,

in order to create joy,

requires the Great Mother

to Be in relation to Herself.


And where one relation is possible

that creates one sort of feeling,

the opposite relation must also be possible

that creates the opposite feeling.


The Great Mother is One,

everything else

comes in pairs of opposites,

because everything else is created

as the Great Mother Flows

in relation to Herself.


And so in constructing the door

that leads to

Her enjoying Herself,

She also constructs a door

that makes it possible

for Her to do the opposite

of enjoying Herself.


One who does not understand this

thinks that suffering

should not be.


But one who does understand this knows that

without the possibility of suffering

there can be no possibility of its opposite,

no possibility of enjoyment.


Enjoyment arises

when the Great Mother

Flows through Herself

unopposed by Herself.


Suffering arises

when the Great Mother

Flows through Herself

opposed by Herself.


When the Great Mother Knows Herself,

She naturally Flows through Herself

without opposition,

and so feels enjoyment.


But when the Great Mother forgets Herself,

She just as naturally Flows through Herself

opposing Herself,

and so feels suffering.


And so there is something

that we can improve,

but it is not what we Are,

for That is already perfect.


What we can improve

is what we know our self to be,

for in this regard

we are always mistaken,

but to greater and lesser degrees.


The more our idea of our self

is in conflict with our true Nature,

the more in conflict with that Nature

our Flow will Be.


And the more our idea of our self

is in harmony with our true Nature,

the more in harmony with that Nature

our Flow will Be.


Now no idea

is exactly what we Are,

for ideas are forms

and we Are not.


So as long as an idea comes

between us and our Nature

there will be some conflict

between us and our Nature.


But as a clean mirror

has greater utility

than one that is caked with mud,

a clear idea of one's Nature

has greater utility

than an idea that muddies one's Nature.


The idea that you can improve yourself,

and that you can improve the world,

are ideas that arise

from a muddy image

of what you Are.


The idea that you can enjoy yourself

and that you can enjoy the world

are ideas that arise

from a clear image

of what you Are.


It may be true

that the ultimate Knowledge comes

when all thought is set aside,

when all masks are dispensed with.


But until then

why not enjoy yourself

as best you can.


It is what the Great Mother would do.

It is what the Great Mother is doing.


And when you do as the Great Mother does

you Flow as the Great Mother Flows,

and the more you Flow 

as the Great Mother Flows

the more transparent and unreal

all the masks become,

until all that remains

is That which,

to the extent that It is revealed,

gives to every mask its Beauty,

and so causes the world

and one's Self

to appear as beautiful

and perfect as they are,

and to the extent that It is hidden

makes every mask appear less than beautiful,

and so causes the world

and one's Self

to appear as less than beautiful

and imperfect as they are,

and so in need of some repair,

in need of some improvement.


So many words,

so little actually happening.

The Great Mother Being and Flowing

in aligned or opposed relation to Herself,

and so enjoying Herself

or suffocating Herself.

That is all.

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